Erick C. West, M.A.

(509) 747-5850

#1 – Contact West Economics

We are happy to discuss your case and help you make an informed decision if retaining an economic expert is the right choice for you and your client.          

#2 – Retaining Our Services

If you decide that retaining our services is the best fit for you and your client, we will request some preliminary materials to gain a better understanding of the case and help us define the scope of work to be performed.  These preliminary materials may include:

  • Complaint

  • Scheduling Order

  • Plaintiff’s Deposition

  • Interrogatory Answers

  • Tax Returns

  • Payroll Records

  • Opposing Economic/Vocational Expert Reports

#3 – Research & Analysis

After reviewing the preliminary materials, we will provide you with a more detailed list of documents to request from the opposing side to strengthen the support for our economic loss analysis.  Nearly all of the cases we work on involve litigation; therefore, we are experienced at knowing which documents will provide the greatest level of support for our loss opinions against cross-examination and opposing economic experts.

To maximize the value that an economic expert can provide to you and your client, it is important to retain the expert early in the discovery process.  This allows the expert to identify and request key documents from the opposing side before any discovery cutoff dates have been reached.

#4 – Opinions & Conclusions

If requested, we will provide you with a written report of our findings and conclusions and be fully prepared to defend our loss opinions at deposition and/or trial.